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Friday, 23 May 2014

How To Market Your Business Effectively

Marketing is like an unspoken language. Anything can be marketed and success can be achieved once done effectively. The desired effect is obviously success so let us work backwards for a minute. That can be achieved by having a flexible plan that has a starting point and an obvious ending. As you have gathered by now, it includes a plan. In the beginning I spoke of marketing being like a language.  In any language communication is key. Same thing in marketing. Communication is key. Most people don't like being talk down to. It can be condescending. Talking 'up to'  has a similar effect. Most people prefer someone who speak 'with' as oppose to at. 
A good communicator should have an excellent command of the English language and uses words that don't need a person to have to 'look them up' in a dictionary. Simple word that have the same meaning as their bigger cousins. The art of communication is the essence that flavors a good communicator. Something that forms the core of any good marketing campaign. It can make you or break you. An part of any well structured marketing agenda. Notice I said 'agenda' as oppose to 'plan' because I firmly believe that a plan is an idea as oppose to an agenda which is a course of action. We have now changed directions from having a plan to having an agenda so let us go ahead.
The marketplace is dotted with several 'mom n pop' businesses that have sprung up overnight. I commend this bold move and know that our support is needed if they are to stay in business. That is why I am devoted to lending my marketing skills in this way. Perchance someone reading my article can be inspired and pick up one or two points.  
Google is indeed a great web search tool. It is my choice but others tend to disagree. They use Yahoo, Bing etc. To each his own. There are a number of searches to make before the marketing process can begin.  
1. Find an inexpensive web building site equipped with domain name and adequate hosting capabilities. There are several options available. Be very diligent in your search and eventually you will make your goal. The expensive way is to retain the services of a professional web site builder. This is advisable if the degree of difficulty is great. Remember, ' a stitch in time saves 9' . Time is precious and for some, time is money . If you choose to go the second route, make sure that you choose the right Template and the proper color schemes. One that is inviting and user-friendly and does not ' lose ' the message in the process.  
2. Naming the site is important. Choose words that adequately describe what you do. I can not stress this enough as this not only describes your function but serves to put you higher in the search engine ranking. You are on your way. Meta tags and spiders are terms that you should get used to as that is the means by which your website is found by search engines (on Google, Yahoo, Bing etc). To enhance web Site Optimization, certain ' key words' are used on your site and in your title.  As said before, the use of these words or phrase are key on your site as it increases your chances of being found thus increasing traffic to the site, giving you a better Marketing presence.
Persons who do this function are referred to as SEO's and are very prevalent in today's marketplace. Their job is to propel your web site to 'the top of the class thus maximizing on all Internet traffic. IT is another department you will notice. Their function is basically to pinpoint Internet trends and point you in the right direction. Personally, i don't care for neither  (SEO or IT) as a good marketer should embody both skills.  
3. This section has a lot to do with content. It has been proved that sound and pictures (Pinterest) are by far the most effective ways of grabbing someones attention. The old saying that ' a picture paints a thousand  words' is true. Having grab someones attention is only the half. Keeping it seals the deal. In today's world, too much reading serves as a distraction. Being straight to the point and not being long-winded is key.  
As you can well imagine, there are various ways of Marketing. Internet marketing is by far the newest and most effective.  It embodies several forms of internet usage. The most important and more widely used is e-mail marketing. Marketing to many is merely getting the word out and is often confused with advertising. There is a thin line that divides the two, however there is a line.
One of the most important factors to consider is the product itself. Several questions have to be asked.
1. What is the product?
2. Who does it appeal to most (primary market) ?
3. Who make up the secondary market and tertiary (third) markets ?
Just like in advertising, Who,What,Where,Why  comes into play.
Once markets are identified, they are further sub divided into Male / Female, age groups and sometime demographics. Sometimes it is better to work from the inside out. (A part of Niche marketing that is referred to as 'test marketing'). Starting from the core and working out (e.g. listening parties for new music in the case of new music). Sometimes it is better to use several means of marketing / advertising to get the message across. For example, a concise Internet program coupled with a good flyer campaign and the good old word-of-mouth or in some areas TV and radio with news paper. As you can see the Marketing campaign depend on several things and demographics and advertising availability has a lot to play in deciding your course of action.
A marketing budget should go hand in hand with an advertising one. They are inseparable and carry the same aim except that the marketing budget is geared towards the business and its product. The advertising budget is geared towards exposure through promotion. Having tried to draw the line, I must admit that I am sometimes confused about the two however I never lose focus.
Marketing is truly an art in itself and when you realize that anything can be marketed (a person in Dubai is selling small plastic bags of New York garbage to those who can't go to NY. Small pieces of the Berlin wall are even for sale). Once it exist, it can be marketed. The old saying that a man's garbage is another man's treasure is so true.  
Niche Marketing as mentioned earlier is as it describes, 'niche marketing'. It involves finding that core of supporters that are supportive or appreciative of your product and who is directly responsive to it or your ideas. A niche can be anywhere but when it is established / found , it should be exploited and given the chance to grow exponentially. The beauty in marketing is that every product has its own niche and they often overlap with other niches. This makes the marketing process exciting and an adventure often leading to collaboration or cross marketing opportunities.  
Advertising as I alluded to before, goes hand in hand with marketing. Several social media web sites like Facebook, twitter and the like allow a certain degree of 'free' advertising among clients but cater to paid advertising 'en mass' on a bigger scale. The 'per click' system allows you to control both your audience and your budget. Much like Google Ad Sense among others. The best form of adverting today is 'celebrity endorsement'. We are creatures of habit and it has been proved that just like sheep, if the 'top ram'  chooses it, we will follow. We play a game of follow the leader that advertisers know very well. ( I guess we have learned since back in the times of Noah's Ark)
It has been a pleasure sharing my limited knowledge on the subject with you and hope that it helps in your endeavors....

Criteria and Issues of an OHSAS System

A systematic, documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating audit evidence events, condition or information about these matters, conform to audit criteria, and communicating ate results of this process to the client. In executing and OHSAS – audit, one should always keep in mind that the basic questions that should be answered are:
Is the OHSAS complete?
Does it contain all the necessary elements? Answering this question is clearer if the organisation use an OHSAS standard as a reference. Then the elements, which should be there, are described very clearly. Checks may need to cover:
  • OHSAS policy
  • OHSAS programme
  • Organisational structure, tasks, responsibilities, authorities
  • Internal and external communications
  • Procedures, instructions
  • Training and competence
  • Measuring and recording
  • Corrective mechanisms
  • OHSAS auditing and management review processes
  • Emergency procedures and plans.
Questions relating to OHSAS 18001 policy could then e.g. be:
  • Has the OHSAS policy been established in writing?
  • Has it been communicated to all employees?
  • Is it appropriate to the nature, scale and OHSAS impacts of the activities, products and services
  • Does it include a commitment to continual improvement of the OHSAS performance and to prevention of pollution?
Is it the right OHSAS 18001 for the activities involved?
This involves checking whether the OHSAS elements have been properly tailored to the nature and the complexity of the organisation’s activities, and to the OHSAS aspects and impacts that are linked to them.
For this criterion it will be necessary to check issues such as:
  • Local situation of the company
  • Air, water emissions and discharges
  • Soil pollution
  • Handling and storage of raw materials, chemicals and hazardous substance
  • Collection and disposal of wastes
  • Technical OHSAS provisions
  • Process performance and management
  • OHSAS risks
  • Maintenance aspects.
Is it implemented well?
The auditor should check whether the system has really been implemented at all levels and activities in the organisation. Also this check will have to done by sampling. Checks may include:
  • Availability and implementations of procedures
  • Training records
  • Availability of records and measurements reports
  • Whether the OHSAS policy has been communicated to all employees.
Is it suitable for fulfilling the OHSAS 18001 policy and objectives of the organisation?
One can have a complete system, it can be tailored well to the nature and the complexity at hand, it can be implemented well, and still it may not be sufficient to fulfill the organisation’s OHSAS 18001 policy and objectives. Therefore the audit should also take into account checking the real OHSAS performance achieved with the system against the policy and objectives. Checks may include:
  • Checking measurements of emissions and discharges against objectives.
  • Checking specific provisions in licenses and regulations for compliance
The OHSAS 18001 system has to be implemented with planned approach and target dates have to be fixed for smooth installation of ISO: 14001. The general steps listed below have to be planned with target dates for OHSAS installation:
  • Conduct OHSAS: 18001-awareness program (top + middle + bottom level).
  • Form a steering committee and task force for documentation
  • Identification of All Possible OHSAS Aspects to the company.
  • Brainstorming On Impacts of All Possible Aspects. Identification of Most Significant Aspects.
  • Define OHSAS Policy, Objectives and Targets.
  • Prepare documents of OHSAS management system, Records, Legal Requirements.
  • Train all for OHSAS Policy and for achieving Objectives & Targets.
  • Communication to all including Suppliers and Interested parties.
  • Implementation & train all personnel in the use of procedures & formats.
  • Reparation and Implementation of OHSAS programme.
  • Train internal auditors.
  • Assess the system through first internal audit.
  • Take corrective actions for non-conformities.
  • Apply for certification.
  • Assess the system through second round of internal audit.
  • Avail onsite document adequacy of certifying body.
  • Take actions on suggestions given by them.
  • Final audit by certifying body.
The occupational health and safety system as per ohsas 18001 standard which guides user for control risk in the organization. The iso 9001:2008 standard documents helps user for implement best quality management system within the organization....

Turnkey Postcard Marketing Mailers are a One-Stop Solution

Turnkey Postcard Marketing Mailers are a One-Stop Solution
Direct mail has proven time and time again to be a results oriented marketing solution that tens of thousands of businesses use to reach their customers and prospects each and every year. If you have yet to try direct mail marketing, you may be a bit leery about where to start.
For many businesses, choosing to use an experienced, specialized, turnkey direct mail provider for their postcard mailers, has translated into monumental response rates, ultimately helping their business grow.
Here are just a few of the reasons to consider Mudlick Mail’s turnkey, consultative approach when choosing a direct mail service provider:
- Jumbo postcards are the best way to attract attention in the world of direct mail today. Your message stands out and can be read within seconds, without the hassle of an envelope to open. At one glance, the recipient will see your offer and as the old saying goes, pictures speak a thousand words. Our in-house design team has created thousands of eye-popping postcards you could leverage from. Mudlick Mail truly offers a one-stop solution, our team of experts are highly specialized. Our company exclusively focuses on providing the absolute best direct marketing campaign solutions. Unlike our competitors, we do not offer website design, email services, SEO, social media services, etc. With us, you will receive unique consultation that is laser focused on ensuring your direct mail campaign is implemented using best practices as it relates to direct mail marketing. We are so confident in our service capability, we do not bind our customers into long-term contracts and we offer an all-inclusive pricing model guaranteed to produce results.
- As part of the Mudlick Mail service offering, we don’t just stop working with you once the postcard has been designed and mailed to your customers and prospects. Our trained marketing professionals will work with you to develop an ongoing strategy based on the results and performance measurements extrapolated from the dedicated call tracking telephone number assigned to your direct mail campaign. We have access to an impressive back-end dashboard that provides detailed insight on response rates, customer activity and customer service quality you could use to measure your ROI. Additionally, this information can be used to help you improve customer service, manage staffing schedules and enhance your marketing, based on insights you gain on customers and prospects. Mudlick Mail’s goal is to establish a partnership of success, we want to extend long-term value for your business, and we see you as more than just a transaction.Calculate your estimated ROI.
Whether your business is small or large we offer the quality, expertise and results you deserve all at a fair, competitive price. From design to delivery, Mudlick Mail is the preferred direct mail source. Contact one of our specialized direct marketing experts today....

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

What Kinds of References Indicate a Good Boston Bookkeeping Firm

There has been a lot of attention paid to start-up businesses in this country in recent years. Huge successes like Facebook and Twitter have shown that small beginnings can become incredibly profitable quickly. And at the end of the day, that concept of profitability is what truly determines whether a company is successful or not. There is value in having brand awareness and a lot of users of a product, but at the end of the day if a company is making money, it really can’t be considered a success. For small business owners that dream of being the next Mark Zuckerberg, they must always remember this and then make decisions that ensure they give them the best chance of success. For residents in the Northeast, this means finding a good Boston bookkeeping firm to make sure that their funds are wisely managed and protected. To do that, finding ones with good references can give peace of mind to the harried new business owner.

Finding that right firm is part art and part science. It’s pretty critical to only work with Boston bookkeeping firms that have a good deal of experience. Working with one that doesn’t have enough experience will leave both of you learning on the fly while your money is at risk. That’s the kind of lack of foresight that can end up killing an otherwise well-designed business plan. From there, analysts say it’s critical to have someone that is used to the questions and problems that are common to start-ups. It is highly recommended that people find Boston bookkeeping firms that have at least several years of experience in working with start-ups. A lot of companies claim to have this, but it is also important to find Boston bookkeeping firms that have some personal references within the industry that your business is in. A new restaurateur is going to be looking for a Boston bookkeeping firm that has helped other new restaurants succeed through those first tricky years.
These references should also touch on how personable and customer service driven they are. The best Boston bookkeeping firms provide a service to their clients that are more valuable than just preparing tax returns. So many businesses fail because they overlook small details that they don’t think are important and reference checks can indicate if this is a common problem. When the business fails they chalk it up to the economy, but in a lot of ways it can be tied to mistakes that could’ve been avoided with the right Boston bookkeeping firm.

For the better part of a decade we’ve seen a recession that has made many people nervous about opening the business that they’ve been dreaming about for years. Nervousness and a lack of confidence is common, but that’s one of the key points that a good Boston bookkeeping firm should help allay. Choosing the right one is tricky, but by asking the right questions during a reference check a small business owner can avoid having to answer questions during an IRS audit.....

Monday, 19 May 2014

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Houston Condos for Sale as Residential Investments

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Houston Condos for Sale as Residential Investments
When you're buying Houston Condos For Sale as a residential investment, there are things that need to know and understand. Residential real estate investors have to be very savvy and good at what they do. Condos For Sale in Houston can differ substantially in price, so there are things that you need to do in order to save money and be profitable on the homes or condos that you are purchasing.
#1 - Purchase short sales and foreclosures to save money
Condos for sale in Houston can be expensive, but short sales and foreclosures are much cheaper. These are properties that are sold by the bank, so you need to look into these if you are interested in buying a condo for profit. The bank typically is not in the real estate market to make money, so they list these properties at very cheap prices. This is an opportunity for you to come in as a buyer and get them for a cost that is much cheaper than what you would have to pay if you bought them from an actual home seller. Keep this in mind when you are shopping, it's an excellent opportunity to save money and get a home that will be profitable for you to resell.
#2 - Fix up the condos so they are more valuable
Obviously, when you're buying residential properties for the goal of reselling them and making money, you have to be able to fix up the property and turn it into something that is more valuable than what you bought it for. Purchasing short sales and foreclosures is a good way to get a home for less money, but this alone is not going to make you profitable on the sale. You need to fix up the condo and make it more desirable for potential buyers.
#3 - Save as much money as possible on renovation costs
It's very important to save as much money as you possibly can on renovation costs for the condo. This is what is going to save you money and make you more profitable on the sales. The more money you save, the more profitable you are and the better the end result will be. Be sure to focus on this, you can hire contractors off Craigslist or somewhere similar to save as much money as possible. Contractors will generally have the lowest price, because they do not work for businesses.
#4 - Do some of the renovations yourself
If you want to make even more money and you do not have a day job that ties you down to other things in your life, then you might want to do some of the renovations yourself. This can save you a lot of cash, if you are a handyman and you are good at fixing things, you can fix up the home and make it much more desirable and valuable all on your own. Doing this means that your home will be more profitable when you go to sell it and you will be a successful residential real estate investor in the Houston area.